Expressing in Music a Caring God

Craig began his life in loss and trauma. From as early as can be remembered there was dysfunction in his home. Parents fighting, absence and sexual abuse. All these horrors remained behind closed doors in his home until finally police stepped in with a restraining order against his father. His dad then left home for good leaving questions and emotions no young child is designed to face.
Over time, and the eventual abandonment of his mother, Craig and his sisters were enrolled in an orphanage far away. There, in the institutional life and 320 other children, Craig's questions about his past continued unanswered and his anger grew.
It was easy to hide during those years in the orphanage. Just be tough. Fight anyone who opposes you and become a star athlete. . .then you can have status and be respected. This is what Craig did and eventually was awarded best all around athlete in three sports during his senior year.
Leaving the orphanage after high school, Craig was drawn into drug use and the party life became his sole occupation. This continued for several years but all along the way there were the nagging questions, who am I, why was I abandoned and worse, why was I sexually abused by my neighbor and no one ever knew. Haunting questions that drove Craig further into his pain and addictions.
There was such anger in his heart. There were roots of bitterness that had grown so deep and festered through his years in the orphanage to the present. Shame was big for Craig. He was ashamed of his past, and ashamed to speak of his abuse. So, he carried it secretly and lived a life where he hid his true heart, buried his pain and vowed to never trust anyone.
While in college for a brief time, there were some students on campus involved in a small prayer group. Some of these became friends with Craig and began to invite him to attend one of their fellowship gatherings. He did, and while there they spoke of forgiveness. With reluctancy, Craig accepted their invitation to say a prayer to surrender any anger or un-forgiveness he might have. Craig repeated the prayer they lead him in but did not really know what would happen.
As time continued, Craig found more and more questions about his past arising from within. He began saying simple prayers and talking to an invisible God about them, with tears of pain flowing. Eventually, the hardness and bitterness in his heart softened, while slowly over time he sensed the presence of a caring God.
There are far too many facets of Craig’s story to mention here, but one thing is clear. Like with him, there is no pain, no abuse, no abandonment beyond the reach of this caring God. Now, he speaks and sings about his journey in his messages and musical concerts while he plays piano and sings. He has self produced numerous original audio recordings featuring songs birthed through his tumultuous trek through pain and a broken heart.
Inside the church and outside the church there is much hidden pain. Some of it caused by broken families, abuses or abandonment. There are so many people who feel distant from God. Heart Touch Music, Craig’s ministry, seeks to assist all those who are broken to find healing and experience through music the realness of a caring God. His music has reached across oceans and continues to touch hearts today via his website and live concert venues.
Craig experienced reconciliation with both his mother and father before they passed. These are stories much too dramatic, extensive and miraculous to tell here. So, Craig sings on and plays on hoping to draw every heart who will hear into divine embrace and see the captives set free to live a more content and meaningful life.
Craig's music has been described as ointment, salve or an oil that seems to penetrate the heart and open doorways of healing for those who hurt. He has been called a "curer of souls", one who pours out and creates an atmosphere of healing from the keyboard which softens hard, crusty or vexed hearts. It is an amazing process to experience a heart becoming healed and free! All true freedom is worth the agony to achieve!
Craig often composes songs while singing and playing piano right on the spot to people who are present in his concerts. These songs convey messages of encouragement and express uniquely the realness of a caring God whose love can penetrate any pain or any sorrow. Refreshing comes, hope comes , and people often find deep restoration.
We CAN get past our past!